About Me

A quick snippet about me and this blog.

Hey, I'm Arvin Josol. I'm a writer, and this is the home of my musings.

I will mainly share my thoughts on tech, career development, and content creation.

Three years ago, I transitioned into the tech industry. It's been a significant career change, a journey of self-discovery and continuous learning. As I figure out this change, I will showcase what I know and share my plan to tackle what I don't know.

Something transformative about the writing process increases my understanding of a topic.

To give you an idea of what perspectives I will be using, I am:

  • a self-taught developer (mostly)
  • a Royal Canadian Navy veteran
  • a Filipino-Canadian
  • an immigrant
  • a husband
  • a father

Stay a while and have a look around. If you want to know about my professional achievements, check out my online resume or connect with me on LinkedIn.

Picture of Arvin Josol
A picture of me in my backyard